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Pia-K Strategi och Design

Shrinks from Making Agreements Crossword Clue

Are you puzzled by the crossword clue ”shrinks from making agreements”? Don`t worry, you`re not alone. This clue can be quite tricky, but with a little bit of knowledge and some logical thinking, you can easily crack it.

First of all, let`s break down the clue. ”Shrinks” could refer to someone who is hesitant or reluctant. ”Making agreements” suggests the act of committing to something or entering into a contract. So, the answer must be a word or phrase that means being hesitant or avoiding commitments.

One possible answer for this clue is ”backs out”. If someone backs out of an agreement, they withdraw from it or cancel it at the last minute. It`s not uncommon for people to back out of a deal if they feel uncertain or uncomfortable about it. This could be for financial reasons, personal reasons, or simply a change of heart.

Another possible answer is ”reneges”. To renege means to go back on a promise or commitment. This could be due to changes in circumstances or a lack of trust in the other party. Reneging on an agreement can cause tension and damage relationships, which is why it`s always important to think carefully before making commitments.

A third option is ”hesitates”. When someone hesitates, they`re hesitant to take action or make a decision. This could be due to fear, doubt, or lack of confidence. Hesitation can often lead to missed opportunities or lost time, but it`s natural to have doubts and second thoughts when making important decisions.

In conclusion, the crossword clue ”shrinks from making agreements” could have multiple correct answers, including ”backs out,” ”reneges,” and ”hesitates.” Understanding the meanings of these words and their contexts can help you solve the clue and complete the puzzle. As a professional, it`s always important to use clear and concise language that is easy for readers to understand. Happy puzzling!